
St. John's College Brings World-Class Speakers to Santa Fe for Spring Formal Lecture and Concert Series

Lectures and concerts are free and open to the public

SANTA FE, NM [January 14, 2025] — St. John’s College has announced its Spring formal lecture series, on the Santa Fe campus. On Friday evenings, members of the St. John’s College community—alumni, friends, faculty, staff, students, and neighbors—hear a lecture or concert from visiting scholars, artists, poets, or faculty. Ranging from a jazz trio to a lecture on Don Quixote, these events are offered free to the community.

Lecturers include members of the St. John’s College faculty—known as tutors—and professors from notable universities across the country. Each lecture is followed by a question period and an engaging discussion between the lecturer and attendees. The full list of concerts and lectures is here: /santa-fe/events/lectures

Fridays at 7 p.m. in the Meem Library at St. John’s College, 1160 Camino de Cruz Blanca, Santa Fe, NM 87505, unless noted.

“The lecture series supplements our discussion-based program. It gives members of the community the opportunity to consider sustained arguments from scholars of diverse backgrounds across a wide variety of disciplines,” says Dean of the College Sarah Davis. “Attendees are invited to engage directly with the lecturer in the question period that follows, which is an integral and dynamic part of the event.”

January 24: St. John’s College Associate Dean David Carl will deliver his lecture “Gertrude Stein and the End(s) of Literature.”

January 31: New York Polyphony–NOTE this concert is ticketed and will take place at the Carmelite Chapel opposite Santa Fe Prep. All free tickets to this event have been claimed.

February 7: Rory Hanlon (University of North Carolina) will deliver his lecture “The Politician as Ophthalmologist of the Soul: Aristotle’s Conceptions of the Soul and the Aims of Inquiry.”

February 21: Amir Alexander (UCLA) will deliver his lecture on mathematics.

February 28: Larry George (Cal State) will deliver his lecture on Thucydides.

March 7: Steven Berg (Bellarmine) will deliver his lecture on Nietzsche.

April 4: Jackie Stone (Princeton) will deliver the 11th Annual Rohrbach Lecture, “Buddhist deathbed practices.”

April 11: Gregson Davis (Duke) will deliver his lecture “The paradoxical fate of Tithonos: Time and Immortality in the lyric poetry of Sappho and Horace.”

April 18: David Hayes (Bard) and Jeremy Schwartz (Texas Tech) will deliver a joint lecture on philosophy.

April 25: St. John’s College tutor Kit Slover will deliver his lecture on Hamlet.

May 2: Philip Ordning (Pratt) will deliver his lecture “The Pleasure of the Mathematical Text.”

May 9: Leslie Kay (U. Chicago) will deliver her lecture on neuroscience.


St. John’s College is the most distinctive liberal arts college in the country due to our interdisciplinary program, in which 200 of the most revolutionary great books from across 3,000 years of human thought are explored in student-driven, discussion-based classes for undergraduates, graduates and life-long adult learners. By probing world-changing ideas in literature, philosophy, mathematics, science, music, history, and more, students leave St. John’s with a foundation for success in such fields as law, government, research, STEM, media, and education. Located on two campuses in two historic state capitals—Annapolis, Maryland, and Santa Fe, New Mexico—St. John’s is the third-oldest college in the United States and has been hailed as the “most forward-thinking, future-proof college in America” by Quartz and as a “high-achieving angel hovering over the landscape of American higher education” by the Los Angeles Times. Learn more at sjc.edu.

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Frank O’Mahony, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications, frank.omahony(at)sjc.edu